How it Started
I have always worn glasses, dating as far back as class 7 of my primary school years. My main issue with glasses has been that you just can’t wake up and go; you have to have them on, to see. To me ,having them on sometimes felt tiring and removing them meant, for lack of a better parallel, blind. I was tired, I wanted a break!
The In-between of finding the solution
So when the buzz about the new technology of Laser Vision Correction came around, I enthusiastically went in for evaluation at Eagle Eye Laser Center around 2010, to see if I was a suitable candidate for the treatment, which I happily found to be.
You would imagine I would immediately take up the treatment but, 5 years later, (that's how long it took me decide to go forward with it) I was still on the fence. Primarily due to limited resources and also a wait-and-see how treatment outcomes would be view-point;it being a new treatment.
Let’s Do this!
The final nudge to go through with it, came from success stories of people close to me who had undergone the treatment. By this time also I was under medical insurance that could provide coverage for the procedure.
Although once qualified for the correction, I had to go in for a fresh evaluation to confirm my eligibility, which received a stamp of approval;with my insurance also fully accepting to cover my treatment. To top it all up, I was on break from work so the timing was perfect and a date schedule for the procedure, brought everything together. It was finally happening.
How it’s going now!
One day, One week One month 3month ,6 months and I year Since 2015 I have not used my glasses . I came down from a prescription of -3.5 to - 0.5. What is to be lost cannot be regained but 0 can be approximated! Dr Ian Macharia
What can be said about My Care?“I felt I was in the right hands
I commend the Doctors and Staff at eagle eye for their great service, and their attention to patient-centered care. I was a happy client from the beginning to the diagnosis, treatment, and management of my condition. I would highly recommend visiting the clinic be it for a general eye check-up or treatment.”
Jordan Ngalo